Soul Chicks Retreats

What is a Soul Chicks Retreat?

We are so happy you asked. Soul Chicks retreats and workshops are oh-so-beautiful, life-changing experiences. Our retreats combine the powerful curriculum, fun creative art & play, meaningful red-carpet sisterhood, campfire, music, delicious food, BIG BIG LOVE, special surprises, and oh so much more!! We take care of you with absolute loving kindness, so all you have to do is show-up for yourself.

Soul Chicks retreats are about restoring back to the beautiful, joyful, authentic self you truly are. Think of your sweet little child self here…you were lovable, happy, and authentic; you didn’t hustle for your worth because you never doubted you were enough.

At our retreats you will learn to peel away the untruths

The untruths that have accumulated to make up the lies and stories you tell yourself about who you are, what you're worth is, and what’s possible for you – the ones that tear you down, hold you back, and keep you stuck.

You will rediscover the whole beautiful authentic you that you’ve always know you could be. And you’ll be free to move forward from a place of healing, clarity, and confidence.

Sister, come join us for a retreat or workshop and experience what doing powerful personal work in the safe loving circle of sisterhood can do for you.

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  • "Soul Restoration at Soul Chicks camp was a life-changing getaway for 100% focus on ME! It was one of the best things I have done for myself...I’m inspired and energized to take my life in the direction I want to, not what other people think I should do."

    - Sheryl

  • "I felt a huge shift towards healing, inner peace, and understanding. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about what an impact the experience has had on me."

    - Sheriene

  • "We laughed long, cried at times, and through it all I felt the power of sisterhood.”

    - Mary

  • "Soul Chicks took care of us from waking to sleeping... I felt so welcomed and comfortable even though I came alone and from another state.”


Ready to start your journey? 

Book a free discovery call